We understand managing marketing tasks can be overwhelming and time-consuming - for businesses of all sizes. That's why we've designed our Marketing Assistant Services to help grow your business, increase your online presence, and achieve your marketing goals, all while saving you time and resources.

Our pricing is flexible and tailored to meet the unique needs of your business. Whether you're a startup looking for a kickstart or an established company seeking to scale up your marketing efforts, we have the right plan for you.

Your Marketing Assistant’s Tasks and Responsibilities

  • Website Content Updates
  • Graphic Design
  • Social Media Publishing
  • CRM Updates (or add a CRM if you don’t have one)
  • SEO Optimisation and Reporting
  • Google Analytics Reporting
  • Google Ads Management
  • Facebook Advertising Campaigns
  • Daily / Weekly reports on activities
  • Time tracking with screenshots
  • Interactive Partners' Rigorous hiring procedure
  • Access to our own in house SEO team
  • SEM Services directed by our own SEM manager
  • Daily work checklist focused on the results

Investment Packages

  • Part Time

    $830 / month

    1 day per week

    Daily investment: $189

    Weekly investment: $192

    Monthly investment: $830

    Hire a Part Time Assistant
  • Full Time

    best value word inside a corrugated circle

    $2,950 / month

    5 days per week

    Daily investment: $134

    Weekly investment: $681

    Monthly investment: $2,950

    Hire a Full Time Assistant
  • Semi Full Time

    $1,770 / month

    2.5 days per week

    Daily investment: $161

    Weekly investment: $408

    Monthly investment: $1,770

    Hire a Semi Full Time Assistant